Birth photography: Jacob’s birth. Herlev hospital. Denmark.

Birth story

I met Anna on the maternity shooting in blooming sakura this spring. And during the maternity session we had a lot of fun together and we started to talk about birth and my experience of doula and birth photographer. She thought a lot about Jacob’s birth story at that moment. She said that it’s important to have birth pictures, because after the delivery you totally forget about everything. You capture only the moment of birth and everything else your mind will just erase. And the birth photography capture every moment, that will remind you every step to your child. And your kid will grow up very fast, but you can always show him how wonderful was his birth.

Jacob is the first child in Anna and Thomas’s family. And this wonderful boy came to the world as a strong man and very cute baby!

That day Anna asked me to capture the moments of Jacob’s birth and be with her as a birth photographer and support her as a doula, but until the birth i didn’t know could i come and be with them or not, cause i had to fly for a job trip to Moscow on the 19.05.

I remember that i wrote a message to Anna that i am sorry, but probably i couldn’t be with them.


But on the 17.05, 7 days after due, she wrote me that she is in labor. So i came to hospital 23.30 on the 17.05 and was there with Anna and Thomas all night long as a doula and as a photographer. One of Anna’s friends also came to support them. Ans we talked all night and waited for the baby coming.

She had very strong contractions and was in pain very long time.

Pushes started about 5 a.m. 18.05. And it was a team job, really! Thomas helped Anna a lot! And they all were strong and support each other.

18.05.16. at 5.58 a.m. little Jacob was born. And he was so pretty and beautiful! I am happy that i spent that day with them!

Congratulations with a wonderful baby, my dear friends!

Enjoy and share if you like it!

In conclusion

After i made this slideshow Anna send me few reviews on my work

We saw video just right now, my husband is crying, because it is wonderful. Thank you.“, – Anna wrote me.

The video is very nice but your support for being there meant the most, like having a mother and a sister by the side.” – Thomas wrote.

Very beautiful and sensitive video, thank you“, – Anna’s mom wrote.

Thank you! I know that i do the right things in the right way!