Photo project «Me and my mom. Love is beautiful, just because of you»

June the 8, 2017 17:00.

Verdens Kultur Centret will open doors for all my friends and clients at my personal exhibition “Me and my mom. Love is beautiful, just because of you” about family and motherhood in Copenhagen.

This is a project about mothers and children.

“In the rush of everyday life we  forget about the invincible connection of love between a mother and her child. I created this project to encourage people to pause and enjoy the power and purity of this connection.

My models, mostly mother and daughters, are real people with different cultural backgrounds who are currently residing in Denmark.

Most of the children were born in this country, are bilingual and are being brought up in a cultural mix.

I wanted to show a strong bond and a variety of gentle loving feelings that constitute parent-child relationships regardless of people’s nationalities, place of origin or current location.

This project should be a reminder of the important, of what we have inside our families – tangible, palpable love.” – Nataly Dauer says about the project.

I will show you all the pictures, that i made during this project  in 2016.

I am very grateful to the families, who participated in my project and  to my family and friends, who supported me during shootings and all preparations.

Event on facebook and all details is HERE.

Come and take your friends with you!